We understand your business and needs for providing tailor-made insurance.
Our team has an extensive experience and knowledge in each of our markets, which allows us to attend the needs of our clients with accurate and updated information to design solutions that are adapted to their requirements.
Designed Solutions per Region.

Business Line Insurance
- Convenio I : Against Employees Dishonesty
- Convenio II : Loss of Company assets within premises
- Convenio III : Loss of Company assets outside premises
- Convenio IV : Coverage against check forgery or money falsification
- Convenio V : Coverage against bank notes forgery
- Convenio VI : Coverage against Burglary, Assault and Theft of assets or goods
Is the insurance that covers cargo and that in case of a claim will indemnify material damages and economic loss that occur as a consequence of a failure during the transport.
General Cargo Insurance
Cargo can be insured either by “all risk” or “named perils”.
- Institute Clause A
- Institute Clause B
- Institute Clause C
Perishable and Frozen Cargo Insurance
Through our international network and as representatives of SA\VE, a german specialized broker in perishable insurance, we can offer support to our clients, where the policies offered from our European partners cover temperature, delay, Controlled Atmosphere, Cold Treatment risks.
- Construction All Risk (CAR)
- Erection All Risk (EAR)
- Contractor’s Equipment Floater (CEF)
- Machinery Breakdown and Failure Insurance
- Electronic Equipment Insurance
- Civil Engineering Completed Risk Insurance
- Advanced Loss of Profits Insurance (ALOP)
- Export credit insurance
- Domestic credit insurance
- Seriousness of offer Guarantee Insurance
- Payment or advance payment bond
- Performance Bond
- Maintenance Guarantee Insurance
- Performance of labor and pension Guarantee
Personal Lines Insurance
This is a mandatory insurance for all owners of motor vehicles that circulate as established by the General Law of Transportation and Land Transit. This insurance covers the risk of death and injury to all persons inside and outside the vehicle in the evento of a traffic accident. In addition, this type of insurance covers not only the insured and the occupants of the vehicle, but also pedestrians who may be affected during the accident.
SOAT is an independent insurance that goes in addition to any other insurance that the vehicle has and it main objective is to insure immediate and unconditionally medical care for victims of traffic accidents.

Life and Health
Business Line Insurance
EPS (Empresas Prestadoras de Salud or Health Provider Companies) are private companies created under the 26790 law. They provide health services with their own infrastructure or renting from a third party. They are regulated under the Superintendencia Nacional de Aseguramiento en Salud (SUNASA).
EPS gives a complementary plan to the national healthcare system provided by Essalud. This plan can be taken by the Employer directly or through a tender with the different EPS companies that provide this product.
- Fishing
- Oil and Gas Production
- Metalic and Non Metalic Mineral Extraction
- Tobacco and / or tobacco related manufacturing products
- Textile Industry
- Leather Industries
- Wood, Wooden products, Cork Industries
- Manufacture of Chemical Products / Substances
- Construction
- Oil refineries
- Manufacturing of Oil and Carbon products / derivates
- Manufacturing of plastic products
- Manufacturing of Glass and Glass Related products
- Journalists and Cameraman
- Manufacturing of Iron and Steel
- Machine construction
- Electricity, gas and vapour
- Air Transport
- Dental services, health services and veterinaries
- Temporal Life Insurance
- Dotal Life Insurance
- Universal Life Insurance
- Guaranteed Value Life Insurance
- Accidental Death of Worker
- Total or Permanent Disability of the Worker due to a work accident.
- Natural death of worker
Personal Lines Insurance
EPS (Empresas Prestadoras de Salud or Health Provider Companies) are private companies created under the 26790 law. They provide health services with their own infrastructure or renting from a third party. They are regulated under the Superintendencia Nacional de Aseguramiento en Salud (SUNASA).
EPS gives a complementary plan to the national healthcare system provided by Essalud. This plan can be taken by the Employer directly or through a tender with the different EPS companies that provide this product.
In case an employee resigns or is fired, he or she can take this product directly until they get a new job.
- Temporal Life Insurance
- Dotal Life Insurance
- Universal Life Insurance
- Guaranteed Value Life Insurance

Business Line Insurance
- Vehicle Liability Insurance
- Personal Transport Insurance
- Construction Liability Insurance
- Manufacturers’ Insurance
- Workers Compensation Insurance
- Cross Liability Insurance
- Pollution Liability Insurance
- Garage Liability Insurance
- Product Liability Insurance
- Homeowners Liability Insurance
- Professional Liability Insurance
- Landlords Liability Insurance
- Cargo Liability Insurance
- Clinical Trial Liability Insurance